News - What is PRP? Why is it so magical?

What is PRP? Why is it so magical?

What exactly is PRP? Platelet rich plasma!

The exact name is “platelet rich plasma”, which is the component blood separated from the blood.


What can PRP be used for? Anti aging and repairing damaged joints are all good!

International conservative use: heart surgery, joint, bone injury, burns and other surgical operations.

Now: Plastic surgery and beauty.


Around 2001, some people discovered that eye piercing can alleviate small wrinkles, and gradually began to be used in plastic surgery projects such as anti-aging.


How does PRP work? Let damaged and aged tissues repair and regenerate, super magical!

Have you all experienced skin contact bleeding? Platelets quickly gather around the wound, promoting its healing. A versatile doctor thought of extracting platelets to stop bleeding and pain.

Why can it also resist aging? Our blood vessels have a life cycle. At a certain age, they will become fragile. The nutrients supplied to the tissues are not enough. Collagen and Hyaluronic acid are lost. Elastic fibers weaken, and the entire tissue collapses.

Once activated, the concentrated platelets injected into the skin can release 9 growth factors, including Vascular endothelial growth factor, Fibroblast growth factor and epidermal growth factor, which can help establish blood circulation, regenerate tissues and repair aging skin.


How long will the effect last? Course of treatment?

Anti aging therapy generally has a significant effect by taking at least 2-3 doses, and it is recommended to have an interval of 1-2 months between treatments because each person’s tissue growth cycle is different, and the approximate repair time is 1-2 months.

The duration of the effect varies from person to person. Some people say that they had a face attack a few years ago and now they look very good, roaring.


PRP can be directly applied to the face to resist aging, and can also be done together with others!

1. PRP+Water Light Needle

2. PRP+autologous fat

PRP+Water Light Needle. Extract PRP and apply it to the face with a water light needle instrument, which has a good anti-aging and rejuvenating effect.

PRP+autologous fat. Adding PRP can ensure the fresh activity of adipocytes and improve the fat survival rate.


Analysis of the process of PRP autologous serum injection rejuvenation surgery

1. Extract one’s own blood

2. Using patented technology to extract high concentration active PRP

3. Purification

4. Injected into dermal tissue of the skin


PRP serum active growth factor -1 injection brings 6 perfect transformations!

1. Quick support to fill wrinkles

PRP is rich in more than ten kinds of growth factors, which can immediately smooth wrinkles after being injected into the superficial dermis. At the same time, the high concentration of platelets rich in PRP can quickly stimulate the production of a large number of collagen, Elastic fiber, and colloid, so as to achieve the purpose of powerful wrinkle removal, and can remove various wrinkles, such as forehead lines, Sichuan lines, fishtail lines, fine lines around the eyes, nose back lines, decree lines, mouth wrinkles, and neck lines.

2. Quickly improve skin texture

Active factors can accelerate and promote the establishment of skin microcirculation, thus accelerating metabolism, comprehensively improving the skin quality and color, making the skin more white, delicate and shiny, and also improving the problem of eye bags and Periorbital dark circles.

3. Overcoming organizational deficiencies

When PRP is injected into the skin, powerful growth factors will promote tissue regeneration, have special effects on depressed scars, and have a perfect lip enhancement effect.

4. Defeat pigmented spots

The establishment of facial microcirculation and the acceleration of skin metabolism promote the skin to discharge a large amount of toxins by itself, effectively improving pigmentation, sunburn, erythema, Melasma and other color spots.

5. Saving Allergic Skin

If PRP is continuously used for treatment, it will change the skin’s original stress system and effectively improve allergic skin.

6. Bringing continuous improvement

PRP can promote the growth and rearrangement of multiple skin tissues, thereby achieving a comprehensive improvement in skin condition and continuously delaying aging.




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Post time: Jun-30-2023